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Evidence for Graphene-Sheet-Driven Superconducting State in Graphite Intercalation Compounds

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Graphite intercalation compounds (GICs) are formed by the insertion of arrays of guest species between the layered sheets of the graphite host. This can greatly modify the electronic properties of the graphite and can lead to interesting phenomena, for example, superconductivity.
Категории: Nano planet

Experiments Settle Long-Standing Debate about Mysterious Array Formations in Nanofilms

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Scientists at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have conducted experiments confirming which of three possible mechanisms is responsible for the spontaneous formation of three-dimensional (3-D) pillar arrays in nanofilms (polymer films that are billionths of a meter thick).
Категории: Nano planet

"Critical baby step" taken for spying life on a molecular scale

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
The ability to image single biological molecules in a living cell is something that has long eluded researchers; however, a novel technique, using the structure of diamond, may well be able to do this and potentially provide a tool for diagnosing, and eventually developing a treatment for, hard-to-cure diseases such as cancer
Категории: Nano planet

Researchers create nanopatch for the heart

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Engineers at Brown University and in India have a promising new approach to treating heart-attack victims. The researchers created a nanopatch with carbon nanofibers and a polymer.
Категории: Nano planet

UI study: Carbon black nanoparticles activate immune cells, causing cell death

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Researchers from the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine have found that inhaled carbon black nanoparticles create a double source of inflammation in the lungs.
Категории: Nano planet

Seeing an atomic thickness

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Scientists from NPL, in collaboration with Linköping University, Sweden, have shown that regions of graphene of different thickness can be easily identified in ambient conditions using Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM).
Категории: Nano planet

First-ever sub-nanoscale snapshots of renegade protein in Huntington's Disease

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Bio-SANS probes "disease-relevant" peptide at tenths of billionths of a meter
Категории: Nano planet

Nanoparticles help scientists harvest light with solar fuels

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
The humble alga, hated by boaters and pool owners, may someday help provide us with the raw machinery to power our appliances.
Категории: Nano planet

UCF Researcher Gets Global Attention, Cash

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
A UCF scientist specializing in nanotechnology has earned a national award and is a contender for a new kind of 'Nobel Prize' for sustainability.
Категории: Nano planet

Miracle Material

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Two-dimensional graphene may lead to faster electronics, stronger spacecraft and much more.
Категории: Nano planet

FUJIFILM Joins SEMATECH’s Resist Center for Advanced EUV Resist Development at UAlbany NanoCollege

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
As a resist member of SEMATECH’s lithography program, FUJIFILM will collaborate with SEMATECH engineers on critical resist issues in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography.
Категории: Nano planet

Luna Innovations and Hansen Medical Expand Development Work

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Luna and Hansen will continue to integrate shape sensing technology and medical robotics
Категории: Nano planet

IBM and SARA Sign Collaboration Agreement on Petascale Computing

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
Hundreds of scientists in the Netherlands make use of the national supercomputing facility Huygens at SARA to tackle important scientific and societal challenges like climate change, water management, improvement of medical care, nanotechnology and green energy.
Категории: Nano planet

UT physicist accelerates simulations of thin film growth

NanoTechWire - 10 ноября, 2023 - 17:07
A Toledo, Ohio, physicist has implemented a new mathematical approach that accelerates some complex computer calculations used to simulate the formation of micro-thin materials.
Категории: Nano planet

Нанотрубки на низком старте

Эксперт Online — Нанотехнологии - 24 февраля, 2020 - 00:00
Новосибирская компания «Оксиал» стала крупнейшим в мире производителем графеновых одностенных нанотрубок. И хотя продает она не более трети синтезируемого материала, объемы производства намерена наращивать в расчете на будущий спрос со стороны тех потребителей, которые начнут массово скупать ее продукцию для промышленного применения
Категории: Планета НАНО