Португалия: NanoPT2013
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Organization: Phantoms Foundation
Science > Nanotechnology
- Event Date/Time: Feb 13, 2013 End Date/Time: Feb 15, 2013
Abstract Submission Date: Nov 23, 2012
- Email Organizer
- NanoPT is an International Conference taking place in Porto (Portugal) in February, 2013. The first edition will be held with the purpose of strengthen ties nationally and internationally on Nanotechnology and, pretends to be a reference in Portugal in the upcoming years. This conference will encourage industry and universities working on the Nanotechnology field to know each other and to present their research, allowing new collaborations between nearby countries such as Spain and France.
NanoPT will be held every year in Portugal and will let the participants presenting a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, not only the most prominent investigations/studies in Portugal but from all over the world.NanoPT will be held every year in Portugal and will let the participants presenting a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, not only the most prominent investigations/studies in Portugal but from all over the world.
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