Предстоящие (зарубежные) конференции (и выставки)
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‹3rd International Conference On Nanomaterials And Nanomanfuacturing›
Conference Date: Monday, December 17, 2007 At 08:00:00 AM
Contact Info:
Paul Harris IOM Communications Ltd 1 Carlton House Terrace London SW1Y 5DB Email: paul.harris@iom3.org
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it URL: http://www.iom3.org/…207_nano.htm
From their website: "Critical dimensions in chip manufacture are reducing by a factor of two every 3 years, so that in 12 years the critical dimensions must reduce to 8 nm and conventional manufacturing technologies will “run out of steam”.
Confirmed speakers include Terry Wilkins (University of Leeds) on nanomanufacturing and Mark Hillmyer (University of Minnesota) on nanopatterning.
CRANN (Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices), Trinity College Dublin.
‹NanoManufacturing Conference And Exhibition 2008›
Conference Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008 At 08:00:00 AM
Contact Info: NanoManufacturing Conference & Exhibits Sheraton Framingham Hotel Framingham, MA USA Email:
URL: http://www.sme.org/…get-event.pl?…-
Hosted by the Society for Manufacturing Engineeers, this conference will «highlight the current, near-term, and future applications of nanotechnology and how they are transforming the way we manufacture products.»
Call for speakers: http://www.sme.org/…get-evdoc.pl?…&
‹2008 Nanoscale Science & Engineering Conference›
Conference Date: Monday, August 18, 2008 At 08:00:00 AM
Contact Info:
Dr. T.C. Yih Email: yih@oakland.edu
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it URL: http://www2.oakland.edu/…rch/nanotech
The 2008 Nanoscale Science & Engineering Conference is to establish a platform for researchers and entrepreneurs, especially in the fields of nano-scale science and engineering as well as structural DNA, to exchange ideas and promote multi-disciplinary, inter-institutional partnership.
Participants of this conference are expected to acquire knowledge of the most current research and development in these fields and to identify collaborators in other institutions.
‹Nanotech Northern Europe 2008›
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 At 08:00:00 AM
Contact Info:
Katriina Forsstrom Conference Coordinator +358 40 565 1325
Email: katriina.forsstrom@spinverse.com
This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it URL: http://www.nanotech.net/
«Making Nanotechnology Happen» Program themes include Sustainable Solutions for Energy and Environment and Nanotechnology-Enabled ICT. Also features tech transfer and partnering sessions.
В конце сентября 2007 г. на Web-сайте NNN (Natl Nanotech Network) была открыта бета-версия Информ-центра для нано-сообщества, на которой публикуются данные о новых конференциях и ресурсах, организациях, которые занимаются проблемами НТ, новости и т.п. Информация о вышеупомянутых конференциях взята с этого сайта (туда же можно и направлять данные о вашей организации, о проводимых конференциях и т.п.)…
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