Сборщик RSS-лент

New DNA origami technique promises advances in medicine

Physorg.com - 9 мая, 2024 - 17:04
A new technique in building DNA structures at a microscopic level has the potential to advance drug delivery and disease diagnosis, a study suggests.
Категории: Nano planet

Research team develops new thin film deposition process for tin selenide-based materials

Physorg.com - 9 мая, 2024 - 16:45
A research team has developed a new thin film deposition process for tin selenide-based materials. This process utilizes the metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) method, enabling thin film deposition on large wafer surfaces at a low temperature of 200°C, achieving exceptional precision and scalability.
Категории: Nano planet

Scientists create black arsenic visible infrared photodetectors

Physorg.com - 8 мая, 2024 - 21:44
In recent years, the exceptional structure and fascinating electrical and optical properties of two-dimensional (2D) layered crystals have attracted widespread attention. Examples of such crystals include graphene, black phosphorus (BP), and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs).
Категории: Nano planet

Researchers can now accurately measure the emergence and damping of a plasmonic field

Physorg.com - 8 мая, 2024 - 17:54
An international research team led by Universität Hamburg, DESY, and Stanford University has developed a new approach to characterize the electric field of arbitrary plasmonic samples, like, for example, gold nanoparticles. Plasmonic materials are of particular interest due to their extraordinary efficiency at absorbing light, which is crucial for renewable energy and other technologies.
Категории: Nano planet

Enabling rapid screening of poly(2-oxazoline)-based nanomedicine through divergent synthesis

Physorg.com - 8 мая, 2024 - 17:25
A research collaboration has devised a new way to quickly and reliably diversify the reactive end-groups on poly(2-oxazoline)s, a biocompatible polymer class.
Категории: Nano planet

Development of ultra-high-efficiency pure red light-emitting devices with enhanced color representation

Physorg.com - 8 мая, 2024 - 16:38
DGIST Professor Jiwoong Yang's team in the Energy Science and Engineering Department has successfully manufactured high-performance, skin-attachable perovskite pure red light-emitting devices to create various forms of wearable displays.
Категории: Nano planet

Swarms of miniature robots clean up microplastics and microbes, simultaneously

ScienceDaily.com: Nanotechnology News - 8 мая, 2024 - 16:36
When old food packaging, discarded children's toys and other mismanaged plastic waste break down into microplastics, they become even harder to clean up from oceans and waterways. These tiny bits of plastic also attract bacteria, including those that cause disease. Researchers describe swarms of microscale robots (microrobots) that captured bits of plastic and bacteria from water. Afterward, the bots were decontaminated and reused.
Категории: Nano planet

Поверхность с наноразмерными шипами обладает противовирусной активностью

Международному коллективу ученых удалось создать материал на основе кремния, покрытый наноразмерными острыми шипами. Такая нанотекстурированная поверхность способна убивать осевшие на нее вирусы парагриппа, механически прокалывая их оболочки. За 6 часов инкубации материал снижает количество жизнеспособных вирусов на 96%, что делает его перспективным для применения в больницах.

Категории: Планета НАНО

Researchers develop nanotechnology for creating wafer-scale nanoparticle monolayers in seconds

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 23:17
Nanoscale materials present us with astonishing chemical and physical properties that help materialize applications such as single molecular sensing and minimally invasive photothermal therapy—which were once just theories—into reality.
Категории: Nano planet

Researchers establish commercially viable process for manufacturing with promising new class of metals

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 22:06
Nanostructured high entropy alloys—metals made from a chaotic mix of several different elements—show a lot of promise for use in industries such as aerospace and automotive because of their strength and stability at high temperatures compared with regular metals.
Категории: Nano planet

'Better than graphene' material development may improve implantable technology

ScienceDaily.com: Nanotechnology News - 7 мая, 2024 - 22:01
Move over, graphene. There's a new, improved two-dimensional material in the lab. Borophene, the atomically thin version of boron first synthesized in 2015, is more conductive, thinner, lighter, stronger and more flexible than graphene, the 2D version of carbon. Now, researchers have made the material potentially more useful by imparting chirality -- or handedness -- on it, which could make for advanced sensors and implantable medical devices.
Категории: Nano planet

Researchers 'unzip' 2D materials with lasers

ScienceDaily.com: Nanotechnology News - 7 мая, 2024 - 21:59
Researchers used commercially available tabletop lasers to create tiny, atomically sharp nanostructures in samples of a layered 2D material called hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN). The new nanopatterning technique is a simple way to modify materials with light--and it doesn't involve an expensive and resource-intensive clean room.
Категории: Nano planet

Researchers 'unzip' 2D materials with lasers

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 18:42
In a new paper published on May 1 in the journal Science Advances, researchers at Columbia Engineering used commercially available tabletop lasers to create tiny, atomically sharp nanostructures, or nanopatterns, in samples of a layered 2D material called hexagonal boron nitride (hBN).
Категории: Nano planet

Nanoparticle researchers develop microfluidic platform for better delivery of gene therapy for lung disease

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 17:14
Drug delivery researchers at Oregon State University have developed a device with the potential to improve gene therapy for patients with inherited lung diseases such as cystic fibrosis.
Категории: Nano planet

Smart labs for bespoke synthesis of nanomaterials are emerging

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 16:32
In the early 20th century, the development of a catalyst for ammonia synthesis by the Haber-Bosch method took more than 10,000 experiments before it was successful. The development of new materials is a time-consuming and costly process from design to commercialization.
Категории: Nano planet

Materials scientists reveal pathway for designing optical materials with specialized properties

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 15:51
While we usually think of disorder as a bad thing, a team of materials science researchers led by Rohan Mishra, from Washington University in St. Louis, and Jayakanth Ravichandran, from the University of Southern California, have revealed that—when it comes to certain crystals—a little structural disorder might have big impacts on useful optical properties.
Категории: Nano planet

Bio-inspired materials' potential for efficient mass transfer boosted by a new twist on a century-old theory

Physorg.com - 7 мая, 2024 - 12:00
The natural vein structure found within leaves—which has inspired the structural design of porous materials that can maximize mass transfer—could unlock improvements in energy storage, catalysis, and sensing thanks to a new twist on a century-old biophysical law.
Категории: Nano planet

Ultrathin samples with surface phonon polariton enhance photoinduced dipole force

Physorg.com - 6 мая, 2024 - 22:53
A new study has been led by Prof. Xing-Hua Xia (State Key Lab of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University). While analyzing the infrared photoinduced force response of quartz, Dr. Jian Li observed a unique spectral response that is different from the far field infrared absorption spectrum.
Категории: Nano planet

Team describes MXene-supported PtCo bimetallic catalyst for hydrogen evolution in acidic conditions

Physorg.com - 6 мая, 2024 - 22:51
Hydrogen energy is considered a promising solution with high energy density and zero pollution emissions. Currently, hydrogen is mainly derived from fossil fuels, which increases energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, hindering efforts to achieve carbon neutrality goals.
Категории: Nano planet

New high-throughput device to unlock the potential of advanced materials

Physorg.com - 6 мая, 2024 - 22:33
A Birmingham researcher has developed a new high-throughput device that produces libraries of nanomaterials using sustainable mechanochemical approaches.
Категории: Nano planet